at the Prescott Community Center
145 Main Street | Groton MA 01450
Website: prescottscc.org

Arts and Entertainment
Music Venues:
Groton Hill Music Center
Website: https://grotonhill.org
Kalliroscope Gallery (Paul Matisse)
Website: https://www.paulmatisse.com/the-kalliroscope-gallery
Website: https://thegrotoninn.com/noa-gallery/
NOA Gallery at The Groton Hill Music Center (opening in 2023)
Website: https://www.noagallery.com/copy-of-noa-gallery-at-the-groton-i
The Christopher Brodigan Gallery at Groton School
Website: https://www.groton.org/the-christopher-brodigan-gallery-archive
The Conant Gallery at Lawrence Academy
Website: https://www.lacademy.edu/arts/artists-on-campus
The de Menil Gallery at Groton School
Website: https://www.groton.org/arts/visual-art/galleries
The Goldring Piene Art Farm (Otto Piene & Elizabeth Goldring)
The Groton History Center Gallery
Website: https://www.grotonhistory.org/collections/
The Lowell Five Gallery at The Center
Website: https://thegrotoncenter.org/wp/index.php/arts-offerings/
The Owen Smith Shuman Gallery in The Groton Public Library
Website: https://gpl.org/visit/art-sculpture